
Providing Quality Workmanship Defines Success

O’Connor Corporation’s Quality Program is designed to ensure compliance with the requirements of Code and Jurisdiction, where specified. Our work applies to all Code quality-related activities necessary to maintain the quality of systems, structures, shop fabricated materials, and field constructed work products.

We also provide proper quality system management, which enables the inspection processes to move smoothly and efficiently.

O’Connor Corporation has developed a quality culture through planning, development, and implementation of quality standards. Our work fulfills the necessary or applicable code requirements and/or contractually stipulated requirements for both recurring and new clients. Our QA Program is interwoven with the concepts of QC to ensure that the highest quality results are achieved for all our clients.

O’Connor’s Quality Assurance Manager has the responsibility and operating freedom to fully implement this Quality Program to identify quality challenges and then provide recommendations and solutions through designated channels. These Program requirements are applicable to all O’Connor personnel engaged in these related activities.

Our companies currently hold the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Stamp certificates “A” for Power Boiler Assemblies, “PP” for Pressure Piping, and the National Board of Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspectors “R” stamp for Repairs and Alterations. We have qualified for these stamps since 1978 and have successfully been recertified every 3-year review cycle.

Power Boilers Assemblies
Pressure Piping
Repairs & Alterations

Our Quality Assurance Manager is designated as our Welding Supervisor based upon his education, knowledge, training qualifications, certifications and 46 + years within the industry. He is responsible for the qualification and certification on all Welders and Welding documents.

All our trade welders are qualified and certified per ASME Section IX and AWS code requirements. O’Connor Corporation participates in an Association (Common Arc) formed and consisting of other Contractors for the purpose of documenting and maintaining a Welder’s Performance Qualification records.

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